On the 14th of February 2009, my course mates and I had the opportunity to catch the most anticipated theater in 2009, Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical at the Istana Budaya. Never had I ever thought that I would get the one in a lifetime chance to watch the theater. There were like 21 of us if I am not mistaken and all of us were like so fringgin’ excited not to only watch the theater, but also to step for the very first time into the Istana Budaya. I mean come on people; Istana Budaya is like one of the ten most sophisticated theater houses in the world and on par with Albert Hall in London. Can’t believe it? You have to because it is true.
When I first stepped in to the building, I was not so impressed because there is nothing special about it though. But once I got my foot into the theater hall, I going like GAGA!! I mean is it for real? The place was like super uber cool. I have never been to any theater hall before, at least a proper one. But this one has got to be a jaw dropping one. It was awesome and incredible.
Enough about Istana Budaya. More important here is the theater I had watched. As I said, it was a musical theater and it was in Malay. I was struck by amazement watching the theater from the beginning until the last tiny bit of it. It was just unbelievable that I actually was watching the theater that almost everyone in Malaysia had been talking about. It was a dream come true kind of thing also. I heart almost everything about the theater. But the one thing that amazed me the most was how they actually used the props on the stage. They had these five huge props on the stage which they utilized to the max. They could turn the things into many other things like mountain and waterfalls and many others. Wasn’t that interesting enough? No? It is such a major loss who did not get to catch the theater. Apart from that, everything else was also great. From the casts, the costumes, and the singings as well, they were all great and awesome.
Couple of weeks ago, Dr. Edwin told us that we must blog on our experience watching theater or play. So, we informed him that we had watched Puteri Gunung Ledang the previous week, but to my disappointment, that theater did not count because it was in Malay language. I was like ‘OK’. That means we have to catch another play, I mean English play.
Due to a lot of things that went on, tons of assignments, micro teachings, simulated teaching and other stuffs, we didn’t get to catch any play. But we still put an effort to find one English play. So, last week my group leader got to buy tickets for the whole class to watch this one English play which will be on 9th of April. The play is entitled ‘The diary of a Madman’ and it will be staged at KLPac. Honestly, I am more than excited to go watch the play and I just can’t wait for it. But then, I realized that it will be a bit too late to watch this play because this blog will have to be submitted on the 6th, the day of our final exam. Obviously, my friends and I will not be able to blog on the play later because the blogs are already submitted by the time we watch it. So, I would like to apologize to Dr. Edwin for our own mistakes.
Anyway anyhow, I think I am now so into this whole thing about theater. I really adore this kind of art thing. I think my penchant and liking for theater and play won’t stop here, even after this course has ended. I think there is so much to explore in theater and therefore, every time I have the chance and time, I will definitely make my way to KLPac or maybe Istana Budaya again to catch any theater or plays available. Till then, adios amigos.
Yes, it is sad to know that we will not have the chance to write about our first English theatre as watching Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical is not considered in the criteria because it is in Malay.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I have been to Istana Budaya for quiet number of times. The place is prestigious but like what Dr. Edwin said, the seating arrangement is sucks. For those at the upper circle, they view is so terrible that they cannot see almost the half of the stage... Someone must take note on this. Please do something about it. Otherwise, no one is willing to buy the expensive tickets for theatre anymore...
I know you like this whole art things and so do I. I can't wait for the next semester. I hope I will have the chance to see your acting as VILLAIN. I am planning to watch theatre of Mahsuri after our final at Istana Budaya in the end of this month. Do you want to join me??
depends,cos i am freaking broke right at this moment.
ReplyDeleteAnyways why are you so excited to see me acting as VILLAIN? Don't you know that i am a drama queen that i can nail any character like *TING*? hahahahaa