Saturday, April 4, 2009
Experince in blogging for EDU 3217
Frankly speaking, when I first received the course outline, I was so happy to come across this word ‘blog’ stated on the paper. Then, come to think of it, blogging for this course would not be as fun as blogging for my personal blog. There must definitely be some guidelines and topics given on how the blog should look like and contain. I am seriously not into writing some academic stuff because I am horribly terrible in it. But, I was just wrong. Blog is still blog. I was not restricted to specifically write a very academic blog though. It was more of a reflection of what we learn in class. For me, reflection means my opinion. So, I kind of knew at that point itself that this was going to be fun after all.
So, I wrote and wrote and blog every time I felt like to and whenever I had chance to. Then, a couple of weeks ago, Dr. Edwin decided to take a look at the progress on the blog. And to my surprise, all five blogs that I had written so far at that moment were all reflective. Reflective in the sense that they were good. I cannot describe how I felt at that time because being a regular blogger myself; I obviously should be able to produce good blogs. It just couldn’t get any better than that. Starting form that point of time, I was more than happy and motivated to write more blog for this course.
Last week, Dr Edwin had arranged some interview with this one fella on blogs and forums. Obviously, I would indecisively go for blogs because that’s what I like doing. As for forums, I think it’s just too restricted that it bores me to hell. It is not like I have issues with forums or whatsoever, but in my OPINION (solely my own opinion), I prefer blog over forum. Why? Simply. Hehehe.
I think blog is indeed about reflection in what you have learned and gone through. It is like a place where you can say and write things. You are given full freedom to write and blog on whatever things that you feel like to and as far as this course is concerned, there definitely should be relation and connection to what you learn in the course. For those who disagree, come on people. How many times are you given full freedom by Dr Edwin to write things you have in your mind? I mean although it is in a form of reflection, but you are free to write and pour out all the ideas, feelings, or what not in your blog. Do you ever think that it could get any better than that? No because instead of being given lots of written assignments, I would rather blog. Probably, some people may fond it very tedious and troublesome to get an internet connection, get connected to blogger and blog. Yes indeed there is no question about it especially when internet connection in UPM is just “TOO GOOD” to be true. But hey, if there is a will, there is a way, right.
As I write blogs and read my friends’ blogs, they actually help me to understand whatever topic I learned in class. As I was reflecting, I at the same time was reinforcing all the ideas and knowledge I had gained from the entire lesson in Dr Edwin class. I think it is definitely a good way to get me and my other friends to understand the lesson better.
In this very high tech era, blog has actually become very popular and Dr. Edwin has actually taken advantage of it and turned it into a very educational and informational thing. It is amazing right? Yes? No? A definite yes indeed it is. Come to think about it once again, Dr Edwin probably is not the first to feature this in his course, but it’s a good effort and idea from him. Not just because I like it, but everyone does too I think. What’s next? Will you guys keep blogging in the future? I don’t know about y’all but I definitely will. Feel free to visit my blog. I am more than happy to have y’all to read. Till then, keep blogging people!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Pre Reading and While Reading
Today was my turn for pre reading and while reading stage. I don’t know how I fared and how my presentation was because Mr. Harold did not give comments right after the presentation like what he usually does. I was kind of disappointed because I was hoping that he would at least give a comment or two on my presentation today. However, he must have forgotten about it. So, it is alright.
Where should I start? Basically, I have been preparing for these two stages since last week. But, Mr. Harold could not make it for the three previous classes, so I had to wait until today where I finally got to present.
How should I say this? If you ever ask me how I fared today, I would say that I did excellent and great. I don’t know what comment Mr. Harold has on my presentation today but I strongly believe that I have done my best. At least, I think I was better than some of my friends. I prepared worksheets and extracts for my students which a few of my friend did not. I think extract and worksheets indeed are helpful and useful in helping the teacher to conduct the lesson smoothly and in my case, I think it is indeed true. Without the worksheets and extract, it would be very difficult for me to lead my students to the things I wanted to teach for the lesson.
My weakness and my strength? Emm,let me see. After I received the evaluation forms which my friends had filled in based on presentation, I was happy that all my friends had given me an A. Except for 1 of them who actually gave me an A-. Is she jealous or something? God knows better. As I said, I really think I had done my very best for the two stages. Most of them commented that I have a really good proficiency of the language and a very good voice projection. I also think that my strength is at my language. It is indeed important for an English teacher to have a very good English proficiency, so that the teacher will be able to deliver the lesson smoothly. Bad language proficiency will indicate that the teacher is not good enough to teach the subject and students will then lose their respect for the teacher. It will become even worst and a nightmare if the teacher has students who speak better English than he does. Wouldn’t that embarrassing and humiliating enough? Absolute yes.
How about my weakness? None of them has written any on the evaluation form except for a better length of the extract. However, I myself know what my weakness is. I think I have this feeling of nervousness whenever I am in front of a huge crowd. I mean people may not notice it but deep inside my heart, I feel like dying. My heart pumps real hard whenever I stand in front of the class. Is it just because the simulated teaching is evaluated or is it just my nature to be nervous and apprehensive? It is undeniably nerve breaking to the extent that I would stumble over some of the words. Perhaps, that is something for me to look into and figure out on how to overcome.
Overall, I think I have done well. I have received good comments and feedback for my other micro teachings and there was actually this one lecturer who actually said that I would be a very good teacher in the future. Isn’t that sweet and encouraging enough? No? Hahahaha. Simulated teaching or micro teaching is indeed a good practice for future teachers. I frankly really like it become it trains me to polish up and improve myself. It is the opportunity for us to practice our skills in teaching. As for the simulated teaching for this course, I feel the same way too. But Dr Edwin, I have a question to ask. What is it with the evaluation that we have to fill in for our friends? I think it is so not practical due to certain reasons. I think that is something for everyone to ponder over. I have my very own reasons to say so. What about you? Feel free to drop a comment or two on this entry.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Black and White? Some Colors please!!
Firstly, let’s look at the movie Macbeth. Macbeth is not among the plays we are studying this semester. However, the thing that Dr Edwin wanted us to focus on was the breaking of the natural order. This is reflected in the play King Lear and Oedipus Rex as well. What is up with natural order of the world? Basically, it is about the different view of the world in which everything in this world is meant to be in its place. Every celestial beings (for example: stars, sun and etc.) should be in its place. The Supreme Being would definitely be the God and the social structure would be lead by the God who is in control of everything, followed by the King who will be the representative of God on the Earth.
But, what is the connection with all the three plays? As we can see from the plays and the movies, the natural order has been broken. In King Lear, Lear gave out his throne and power to his daughters and that would already be a breaking of the natural order because Lear was supposed to rule the country and not others. As for Oedipus Rex, Oedipus had broken the natural order in which he had killed the real Kind, who was his father and married his mother and became the King. The natural order was totally screwed up, don’t you think? Lastly in Macbeth, Macbeth killed the king, King Duncan to enable him to take over the throne and become the next king. He broke the natural order as well because he was not meant to be the King.
Coming back to the movies, I found none of the movies interesting. Okay, alright. Frankly speaking, reading the plays is already boring for me. I never expected that movies would also be boring. Macbeth, for example was darn boring. However, the other version I watched back at IPTI was more interesting compared to this one. As for the other two, they were boring as well. I am really sorry Dr. Edwin but I really have to be frank and honest this time. Nevertheless, I did watch them after all. For Oedipus Rex, one obvious thing I realized was that Oedipus was not limping in the movie. By right, he should have because he was known to have a clubfoot? I assume that the director or producer might have forgotten or missed about that. Hahahahaha. For King Lear, we didn’t get to watch till the end of the movie because the vcd got stuck in the middle of the movie. Some technical problem there was, I assume.
How about Streetcar Named Desire? At first, we were all very excited looking at the front cover of the VCD case. HOWEVER, as the movie started, I was struck by huge surprise. The cover showed some colors at least. But the movie? The movie was all in black and white, for God’s sake!!! I couldn’t help but to find it boring as well. Hahaha.
Pardon me for being too harsh but I have no penchant for this kind of movie. Elizabeth was fine indeed. But the rest? Totally a major no no. I watched Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’s old movie and it was boring. But the latest version of the movie produced last year was better off. Maybe all I need is some connection to the movie in the sense that I need some colors and actors that I know to act in the movies. Brad Pitt for Lear maybe? Angeline Jolie for Jocaste? Sean Penn for Macbeth? Yes? No?
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Creator of The Swordfish, Then The Concubine

I know Kee Thuan Chye from a few drama series he acted in. The most memorable ones would be Kopitiam and Each Other as the editor of KLue magazine. Never had I imagined before that I would some days meet this fella in person. He is such a great person, very inspiring though. He writes quite number of plays and books already and indeed, he is multi-talented as well. He is not just an actor, a journalist and a playwright, but he is also a good speaker. Listening ot his speech for almost 2 hours has given me so many insights about his self and his writings. He talked on how he started writing and his view of the world scene today.
He is obviously a good observer of what’s going on these days around us. Kee Thuan Chye writes a lot of things which relate well to the political scene and allegory in Malaysia. Being an individual who lacks knowledge of politics and all these sorts of stuffs, I refrain myself from commenting and giving my own ideas and opinions about it. Kee Thuan Chye, instead, is very determined in writing about it that some of his writing works and books are very controversial.
Nevertheless, Kee Thuan Chye is indeed one great individual. Why? He has accomplished many things that it’s just TOO may for me to list it here. He inspires me in some ways. How? I don’t know but yes indeed, I was inspired when I listened to his speech about his successful career especially. All and all, I think hard work is the most important. Hard work will pay off people. Whether you want to believe it or not, that’s the way it is. I am sure I need not explain further on that. But, that is indeed one of the keys to success. So, if one wants to be one of those successful people, HARD WORK is the answer!!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical
On the 14th of February 2009, my course mates and I had the opportunity to catch the most anticipated theater in 2009, Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical at the Istana Budaya. Never had I ever thought that I would get the one in a lifetime chance to watch the theater. There were like 21 of us if I am not mistaken and all of us were like so fringgin’ excited not to only watch the theater, but also to step for the very first time into the Istana Budaya. I mean come on people; Istana Budaya is like one of the ten most sophisticated theater houses in the world and on par with Albert Hall in London. Can’t believe it? You have to because it is true.
When I first stepped in to the building, I was not so impressed because there is nothing special about it though. But once I got my foot into the theater hall, I going like GAGA!! I mean is it for real? The place was like super uber cool. I have never been to any theater hall before, at least a proper one. But this one has got to be a jaw dropping one. It was awesome and incredible.
Enough about Istana Budaya. More important here is the theater I had watched. As I said, it was a musical theater and it was in Malay. I was struck by amazement watching the theater from the beginning until the last tiny bit of it. It was just unbelievable that I actually was watching the theater that almost everyone in Malaysia had been talking about. It was a dream come true kind of thing also. I heart almost everything about the theater. But the one thing that amazed me the most was how they actually used the props on the stage. They had these five huge props on the stage which they utilized to the max. They could turn the things into many other things like mountain and waterfalls and many others. Wasn’t that interesting enough? No? It is such a major loss who did not get to catch the theater. Apart from that, everything else was also great. From the casts, the costumes, and the singings as well, they were all great and awesome.
Couple of weeks ago, Dr. Edwin told us that we must blog on our experience watching theater or play. So, we informed him that we had watched Puteri Gunung Ledang the previous week, but to my disappointment, that theater did not count because it was in Malay language. I was like ‘OK’. That means we have to catch another play, I mean English play.
Due to a lot of things that went on, tons of assignments, micro teachings, simulated teaching and other stuffs, we didn’t get to catch any play. But we still put an effort to find one English play. So, last week my group leader got to buy tickets for the whole class to watch this one English play which will be on 9th of April. The play is entitled ‘The diary of a Madman’ and it will be staged at KLPac. Honestly, I am more than excited to go watch the play and I just can’t wait for it. But then, I realized that it will be a bit too late to watch this play because this blog will have to be submitted on the 6th, the day of our final exam. Obviously, my friends and I will not be able to blog on the play later because the blogs are already submitted by the time we watch it. So, I would like to apologize to Dr. Edwin for our own mistakes.
Anyway anyhow, I think I am now so into this whole thing about theater. I really adore this kind of art thing. I think my penchant and liking for theater and play won’t stop here, even after this course has ended. I think there is so much to explore in theater and therefore, every time I have the chance and time, I will definitely make my way to KLPac or maybe Istana Budaya again to catch any theater or plays available. Till then, adios amigos.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
My Set Induction
Coming back to my set induction, I would say that I am very satisfied on my performance. I, in fact, was given a complement for a very interesting set induction activity/ stimulus. I never expected that because I only used a power point presentation that contained pictures of wedding which was related to the play I chose, ‘The Ring Doesn’t Fit’ by Tan Kee Aun. Mr. Harold was impressed on how I put the pictures together and used animations to make it look interesting. He further commented that the animations used were effective to attract and grab students’ attention. Some of my friend tried to some the same method as well but they failed to impress Mr. Harold. May be, luck was not on their side. Hehehe.
As I mentioned earlier, I only use some power point presentation which was kind of lame compared to what my other friends were using. Some, or should I say most of them used video clip for their set induction. It was indeed interesting, But frankly for me, no matter how interesting your set induction, it is the duty of the teacher to make it alive. I mean, what is the point if the set induction is very eyes-capturing, breath-taking and attention-grabbing if teachers are not capable to manipulate and use them effectively and to the fullest. I believe that the teacher must have the skills to make their set induction or the whole lesson itself interesting enough for the students. The other teaching aids or whatever interactive media would be useless if the teacher himself does not know how to utilize them effectively and eventually make the lesson boring for students.
I believe that set induction is the important stage in the whole lesson. Why? It is as simple as set induction is the first stage in a lesson and therefore, it must and indeed has to be interesting. As what I had done for my simulated teaching, I am partly satisfied with my performance. There were only some slight weaknesses which need some quick attention and improvement. For example, I sometimes lose my words, in the sense that I sometimes cannot get the appropriate and right words that I am supposed to use. I sometimes go blank and blur, searching for the words. Therefore, I realize the need for me to familiarize myself with all the words or ‘jargons’ used in English class. Apart from that, it was all great. Really looking forward to pre-reading and while reading. Till then, see you guys in my next post. Adios.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Elizabeth the Golden Age
So, for the first movie, we had the opportunity to watch a movie called Elizabeth the Golden Age. I have never had a thing for epic movie like this one. But Elizabeth the Golden Age is totally a must watch because it is wicked! I immediately fell in love with the movie as soon as the movie started. Although they were some incident which had caused Dr. Edwin to stop us from watching the movie (let’s not go further into why Dr. Edwin stopped us and which little cowards who had caused the problem), we were fortunate enough that Dr. Edwin lent us the DVD again to continue watching it.
Back to the movie, I was firstly impressed by the cinematography and the costumes used in the movie. They were so real. I was blown away by how beautiful and breath-taking the scenery and beautiful places where this movie was shot. Another thing is that I have always had a thing for British accent. Although Cate Blanchet is actually an Australian (if I am not mistaken), she carried the character as the Queen successfully and effectively with her imitated British accent.
Some of my friends do know a little bit of the history of King Henry VIII and even the history of England from different movies and series especially the Tudors which have been a hit lately. I never had the opportunity to watch the series Tudors but I definitely will. It was all because I was very impressed by the England history who once had a really really amazingly powerful ruler like Elizabeth. It was clearly seen from the movie on how powerful and influential Elizabeth was during her ruling. Being a woman herself makes it even difficult for me to believe on how she could actually handle and rule England. Her legendary has made her one of the most powerful and greatest ruler of England as I believe. Her determination and courage was greater than a man. As a man myself, I never ever think that I am capableto do what she did for England during her time. She led her army to go against the humungous Spanish armada and naval and eventually won. Wasn’t that impressive enough? No?
Apart from that, I was again kind of shocked knowing that Elizabeth was actually virgin during her entire life. Therefore, she was known as Virgin Queen of England. Wasn’t that amazing? Can you like be a virgin forever? How can you resist the temptation? That’s for everyone to figure out. Hahaha. Nevertheless, she could not deny the fact that being a human herself; she longed for affection and to have a man in her life (what else do men and women need the opposite sex for, hehehe) as what she had for Raleigh. But, she was a tough lady. She upheld to her principles and I salute her for that. But, I was wondering, why she must be a virgin. You guys may know the answer and pardon me for my zero knowledge of England history.
I have learned a lot from this movie. One thing is determination. Another one would be forgiveness. This one is interesting. As Elizabeth felt betrayed by Raleigh, whom she truly really had a feeling for and Bess, her maid, she finally forgave the both of them and released Raleigh from prison. I think what she did was right. She could not force love. And the forgiveness she gave to them was indeed a great thing. We must know how important it is to forgive people as we may also need forgiveness some days. But, as we may have forgiven people for their mistakes, is it really easy cheesy to forget what they did? That is something for you to figure out.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Oedipus FOOLISH Rex
I was kind of struck by some surprise or I should call it drama-shock as Oedipus Rex was the first text that Dr. Edwin chose to discuss in class. You know that it was a work of Sophocles who was this great Greek playwright. It is definitely going to be difficult for these young beginners like me to read such a heavy plays like his. But never mind, there is always first for everything right?
When I first read the play, I didn’t actually focus on the stage directions. All I care about was what the story was about. But hell to the no. Play is more than just what the story has to tell us. Stage direction is one of the most important things in play because it tells it tells us about lots of things that you may not find in the dialogue and the story.
It is still clear to me what happened on the first of the class when the discussion of this play took place. Dr Edwin asked some of my classmates to imitate how Oedipus was supposed to walk as the king. Was it with some proud, arrogance and dignity or what? I know it wouldn’t be that easy. I knew Dr. Edwin was slick and tricky as how he has always been. So, my friends came out with different styles of walking and some of them were just hilarious. There was only one of them who successfully realized it in which it was with a little limp. Never had I thought about it although I actually knew that Oedipus actually had clubfoot. The funny part was that, Dr. Edwin asked me to imitate it as well just because I accidentally said yes to that. Funny, no?
The best thing I have learned from this play would be the idea of Wise and Foolish. Wise is when you use your knowledge for the good of others and your self. While foolish is when one acts and gives problems to himself. It is clear how this idea of wise and foolish worked in the play and shall I not elaborate on that. But what I want to focus on here is how some one who is looked up to as a respectable wise person with pride and arrogance can also be foolish in the end. I have seen some of people who are foolish because of their actions and the way they think. I myself was also foolish at one point of my life. I am not saying that I am wise or anything like that ok. But you can see how ironic life is. Dramatic irony as how it is known in play. Life is full of irony, isn’t it?
Somehow or rather, Oedipus Rex is a so much better text than King Lear by William Shakespeare. I have just started reading it but I immediately get lost as one would get lost in a thick preserved unknown jungle in Africa. It is a more complicated text with MORE difficult words and vocabularies that would confuse you. The words are sometimes just the normal typical words we use daily, but the underlying meanings only God knows what they are. I am so looking forward to Dr. Edwin’s explanation on King Lear because seriously, I AM LOST!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Teiresias, the blind Prophet

I think it’s best if I tell a little bit about the story of Oedipus Rex. Oedipus, the king of Thebes, called upon Teiresias to aid in the investigation of the killing of the previous king Laios. At first, Teiresias refused to give a direct answer and instead hinted that the killer is someone Oedipus really did not wish to find. However, after being provoked to anger by Oedipus' accusation first that he had no foresight and then that Tiresias was involved in the murder, he revealed that it was Oedipus himself who had unwittingly committed the crime. Outraged, Oedipus threw him out of the palace, but then afterwards he realized the truth.
So, basically Teiresias was blind. But the blindness was not in born. There are a lot of stories about the causes to his blindness. One of the famous one would be that he was simply blinded by the gods for revealing their secrets. The other one would be that Teiresias was blinded by Goddess Athena after he stumbled onto her bathing naked. However, Teiresias was given a supernatural power which enabled him to understand birdsong, thus a gift of augury.
The most interesting part about Teiresias is that he was the only human being who had been a male and a female during his life. He was not a transvestite or transsexual or anything like that. But, there were myths behind his transformation. He was indeed born as a male. However, as the myth has it, as Teiresias came upon a pair of copulating snakes, he hit the pair a smart blow with his stick. Hera, the goddess, was not pleased, and she punished Teiresias by transforming him into a woman. As a woman, Tiresias became a priestess of Hera, married and had children, including Manto, who also possessed the gift of prophecy. According to some versions of the tale, Lady Teiresias was a prostitute of great renown. After seven years as a woman, Teiresias again found mating snakes; depending on the myth, either she made sure to leave the snakes alone this time or trampled on them. As a result, Teiresias was released from his sentence and permitted to regain his masculinity.

It is kind of interesting to actually know about how a human being can possibly have two genders during his life time. I am not promoting transsexual or transvestite in that sense. But can you just imagine how interesting for a person to experience both lives as a man and a woman. But I believe there’s always the bad side of it, right?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Writing script
Basically, one of assignments for this course is to come out with a script for one act play for the language classroom which is meant for upper secondary classroom. Honestly, I haven’t had any experience in writing a script or anything like that before. But, as the course is “Teaching the Language of Drama” there’s no surprise that it requires us to write a script.
So, my group; Ziham, Bruno and I decided to come out with this one story about a boy, rather a teenage boy who wants an expensive football boot from his mother who obviously can’t afford to buy him. So, the mother worked hard by selling nasi lemak and kuih muih. Eventually she gets him the boots but unfortunately, the mother dies in an accident. We decided to come out with the story because we think that it is about young people and therefore, upper secondary students may relate to the story. However, after the first draft was submitted to Dr. Edwin, I was kind of surprised that Dr. Edwin found it very boring and melodrama. When I went through it once again, I admitted that it was very melodramatic. Just imagine could it be any more dramatic and melodramatic than the mother dies in an accident after getting her son the boots. Somehow, I think the story was pretty funny and very the typical boring Malay drama. Hahahaha. No offence to anyone but it was.
So, we created another story and the first draft was already given to Mr. Harold to evaluate and check. Basically, I have learnt a lot of things about writing a script. Among them is that the stage direction should be in a simple present tense. I know writing drama is somehow easy for some people but as for me, it is a difficult task to do. Why? Maybe because I am not creative enough. Yes, I am not one creative person and I find it so hard to think of a story for my drama script. Maybe, what I need is more reading of story books perhaps.
What I am hoping is that our second draft will be approved by Dr. Edwin because I cannot help writing and coming out with another drama story. How I wish I can be so creative, innovative and imaginative as my friends.
Monday, February 9, 2009

Getting ready for the big show

It was time to show some moves. Can you spot me?

Happy and proud faces after the show.
Basically, zapin is not so difficult to be learned. All you need is some willingness and passion to learn because steps in zapin dance are mostly repetitive with only some different styles. I remember how terrible the intensive practice for zapin dance i had but it all paid off. I enjoyed the whole journey of learning and performing zapin though there were some bad memories as well and i think my frieinds have the same feelings too. I like the cooperationa nd teamwork that we had during that time. However, what matter the most is the knowledge that i ahve gained about zapin. It is definitely gonna something that i will treasure in my life. At least, when someone were to ask me about traditional dance, i am more than proud to say that i have done one of it which is zapin.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Getting better or worse??
I really don’t know whether this course is getting better for me or getting bad to worse. As I said earlier in my previous blog, it is kinda fun, exciting and interesting to learn about drama and theater especially when the plays are concerned but when it comes to its ancient history and stuffs like that, I am so easily demotivated. It could be led by the fact that I hate history so much ever since I was in secondary school. But, there is no escape to it because it is just a part of it.
History may not be my area of interest. But, drama and plays can possibly be one thing that can trigger my interest and instantly grab my attention. I love it because drama is like a portrayal of real lives we are all living in now. So basically, drama is closely related to our heart. Frankly speaking, I am a very emotional person and I am easily moved, touched and overwhelmed by certain things and drama is one of it. I admit that I did cry a few times while watching dramas or play and believe it or not Dr Edwin, I actually almost shed tears while watching the so called ‘theater’ performance by our seniors. I could relate to one of the theater so much so that I almost shed tears for it. Alright, fine. It sounds a bit like over the top or overboard or anything like that but I am so sure that Dr.Edwin must be laughing the moment he’s reading this. However, it is very true. Dr. Edwin himself did mention during the last class we had with him about ‘Catharsis’ which refers to a release of emotion. It deals with emotions and psychological experience and I strongly believe that Catharsis does exist in me. Hahaha.
There are more things to explore about drama. I reckon that this course is not gonna be easy but if there is a will, there is a way. Till then, see you guys again in my next post. Sayonara.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Drama and Theatre????
Here is a little bit of what we had during the first meeting with Dr. Edwin. Dr. Edwin, amazingly cynical yet firm as how he has always been, briefed us on the course outline. On the first lecture last Wednesday, he explained briefly of what this course has to offer and what is to be expected from us. After that, Dr. Edwin straight away started the lesson with the overview of the history of theatre. So, we were introduced to these things like Greek Theatre, Roman Theatre, Medieval Theatre, the Restoration Drama and more of these unfamiliar names which I have never come across before like Aeschylus, Sophocles, Seneca, William Congreve and a lot more which I believe I need not list down here.
It is kind of pathetic that I am so blank about this whole thing of theatre and drama. Undeniably, Malaysians students are not well exposed to it and I myself in fact have never been to any theatre hall or dramatization of any plays except for the ones staged by seniors which was described by Dr. Edwin as rubbish. No offence to anyone here. Sorry. Nevertheless, the first lecture with Dr. Edwin has actually become an eye-opener for me because I realized that theatre and drama are something that is so interesting and exciting to indulge ourselves in. Although some of my friends were sleepy as the class went along, this course is indeed one of its kind for those people who find it so. During the first lecture, I have also come to realization that I actually like theater and drama. So much so that, I have actually booked ticket to watch the theater of Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical at Istana Budaya on this coming February 14th. I am really looking forward to that because as I said earlier, this happens to be my very first time experiencing the real theater.
Coming back to the lesson and the course, I am so looking forward to what this course has to offer and a lot more of new discovery and things about theatre and drama to be learned. Hoping that everyone in my class will also feel the same the way I do. Till then, see you guys again in my next post.